Through 7 years of establishment and development, Saigon Polytechnic College has step by step affirmed its position through the reputation on educational quality, the rates of graduates getting jobs reach almost 90%, the associations between us and enterprises as well as other advanced educational centers domestically and internationally are our long-term target.

For the time being, the regular teaching staff is consisted of 71 members, in which there are 9 Masters, 8 Doctors of Speciality II, 11 Doctors of Speciality I and 43 University Graduated Teachers. Apart from that, a strong force of irregular experienced teachers from other reputable universities, hospitals, enterprises have been contracted. This offers very good opportunites for students of Saigon Polytechnic College to learn and experience new methods, to catch up with new changes in career querries of ASIAN region from 2015.

Typical images of the Professors:

Pharmacist: Quach Xung Phong – Authorized Head of Pharmacy Session

– Managing the Teaching staff, officers and students of Pharmacy Session

– Supervising and monitoring teaching plans

– Improving, editing curricula and teaching documents

– Examining and signing test papers

– Assigning work for internal staff

MA Pharmacist: Nguyen Phuong Tung – Head of Nursing Session

– Managing and supervising the internal staff members’ work

– Supervising and considering lesson plans

– Making plans, assigning work for teachers and supervising them in their teaching

– Making plans and supervising students’ work in their clinic practice

Doctor Speciality II Dang Van Hoi – Head of Physicians Session

– Managing and supervising the internal staff members’ work

– Supervising and considering lesson plans

– Making plans, assigning work for teachers and supervising them in their teaching

– Making plans and supervising students’ work in their clinic practice

MA Le Ba Thuoc – Vice Head of Physicians Session 

– Managing and supervising the internal staff members’ work

– Supervising and considering lesson plans

– Making plans, assigning work for teachers and supervising them in their teaching

– Making plans and supervising students’ work in their clinic practice

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