Based on associating compromise between GIZ and DOLAB of the Ministry of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs, we have carried out succesfully the pilot project of training program and receiving 100 Vietnamese Nursing learners to come for studying and working at clinics where the Gernam elderly are taken of in 2013. Following that success, GIZ and DOLAB are continuing to deploy another project for 2014. In the visiting and studying trip to find out and survey the reality refering to training work in Vietnam and improve each other‘s corporation, at 14h00 on April 28, 2014, the Delegates from the Ministry of Economics and German Energy (who are the host of the project of Training and Receiving Vietnamese Nursing learners to come to study and work in Federal Republic of Germany) had come to visit the infrastructures and training activities of the SPC.
The Delegates from the Ministry of Economics and the Federal Republic of Germany Energy are led by Mr Jochen Puth- WeiBenfels and escorted by:
- Ph.D Reunhild Ernst – Deputy Director of Immigrant Department, GIZ Federal Republic of Germany
- Mrs Kristina Kellner – Project Manager, Immigrant Dept, GIZ
- Ph. D Andreas Schneider – National Deputy Director, GIZ Vietnam
- Mrs Marion Voigt – Head of Geriatrics, Vivantes company- forum for the elderly
- Mr Joachim Treiber- Head of Geriatric Care, Caritas Coorperation Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
- Mr Jochen Mager- Head of Geriatrics, AWO Association, Federal Republic of Germany
The Delegates from SPC to welcome them include: Ph.D Chau Van Duong- The Chairman of Board of Directors – The Principal of SPC, MA Tran Thi Thuy Hang – The Vice Principal of SPC, MA Nguyen Phuong Tung-Head of the Nursing Faculty of SPC and all the staff, students of SPC.
The Delegates are exchanging information with SPC Leaders
After the Reception ceremony, SPC Leaders and the Delegates had moved to the Hall to discuss about the Pilot Project of Training and Receiving Nursing learners from Vietnam to study and work in the Federal Republic of Germany. Thereafter, after students graduate from the Nursing course at SPC, together with a Toeic result of 550, they will complement their German language capability so that they will be able to study and work as in the signed project. The Delegates of the Federal Republic of Germany have highly evaluated the training quality as well as international association in terms of Nursing at SPC, such as: Advanced Nursing program 2+2 which has been signed with Adamson College. Apart from that, the support in studying and examining to make sure for a good Toeic output that has been carrying out by SPC, will be an effective assurance for learners and students to attend the Training program and Receiving Vietnamese Nursing learners to work in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Excitingly seeing the studying supporting models
After exchanging the contents of the Project, the Delegates from the Federal Republic of Germany and the SPC leaders have paid a visit to the infrastructures and facilities of the SPC. The Delegates have come to see the rooms of theory, rooms of practice, studying models and facilities supporting the Nursing Department. The Delegates were very impressed by the spacious, clean and high quality rooms assuring good training services. The Delegates also highly evaluate the modern facilities used for Nursing training, which are up to international standards.
Visiting the Practising activities by SPC students
In order to see directly the Training work at SPC, the Delegates have also paid a visit to a Practising class of Nursing students, whose enthusiastic studying attitude is highly evaluated. Their friendly behavior has made the meeting much cozier and more relaxing. This is to prove that Nursing students are well trained right from their first days at SPC.
Taking photographs with the Nursing students
After their visits to the SPC and its activities, the Delegates have taken photos with all the SPC students and Leaders, to remark the associating activities in training and receiving Vietnamese Nursing learners to study and work in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Taking photographs with the Principal