Principal: Ph.D Chau Van Duong | |
– Being in charge and responsible to the Ministry of Education, People’s Committee HCMC, Educational and Training Service HCMC for all activities at school in the Law of Education and School Regulations of Professional Colleges – Directly guiding all aspects of assigment: Organizating staff, finance, training, material base, innovating teaching methods, interational relationships, enterprises relationships, Planning annual and long-term school development. – Generally being in charge of all tasks, together with the Vice Principals solve what they are in charge of, when necessary. – Generally being in charge of all the Departments and Sessions. – Keeping the positions and titles: College Account Holder, Management Board Chairman, Head of Internally Political Defending Section, Head of Campaign Guidance, Head of guiding construction- correction of Internal Finance, Chairman of Scientific Research Assembly, Commending and Rewarding Assembly, Laboring and Paying Assembly, Entrance Enrolling, Graduating, Staff recruiting and other Assemblies when necessary. Contact: Tel: +84-8-37.923.600 – Ext: 201 Fax: +84-8-62.527.978 |
Vice Principal: MA Tran Thi Thuy Hang | |
– Receiving proxy from the Principal to directly guide aspects of assignment in Finance, Unions, Inspections, Environmental Hygiene, Adminstrations, Receptions – Being in charge of the Departments: Entrance Enrollment, International Association and Enterprises Relationships, Party Committee, Unions, Youth Union, Students’ Dormitory. – Being in charge of activities of professional Departments (Economics, Services, Pedagogics) – Assisting the Principal with Domestic and Foreign Policy Assigned by the Principal – Signing Papers on the Principal’s proxy – Keeping postitions and titles: Chairwoman of a certain Assemblies authorized by the Principal and participating in Guidance Assenblies in the Principal’s decisions, Vice Chairwoman of Scientific Research Assembly, Commending and Rewarding Assembly, Laboring and Paying Assembly, Entrance Enrolling, Graduating, Staff recruiting …
Contact: Tel: +84-8-37.923.600 – Ext: 105 Fax: +84-8-62.527.978 |
Vice Principal: MA Pham Quang Dung | |
– Receiving authorities from the Principal to directly guide aspects of assignment: Training &Students’work, Testing and Verifying educational quality, International Associating, IT &Foreign centers. – Being in charge of Training & Students’work Department, International Association and Enterpriese Relationship Department, ISO Board, Board of Examining Strategies for school developing. – Being in charge of guiding activities of professional Departments (Technological and IT Departments, Medical Department) – Implementing Domestic and Foreign Policy Assignment authorized by the Principal – Signing Papers on the Principal’s authority – Keeping postitions and titles: Chairman of a certain Assemblies authorized by the Principal and participating in Guidance Assenblies in the Principal’s decisions, Vice Chairman of Scientific Research Assembly, Gradutating, Staff recruiting, Commending and Rewarding Assembly, Laboring and Paying Assembly, Entrance Enrolling, … Contact: Tel: +84-8-37.923.600 – Ext: 117 Fax: +84-8-62.527.978 Email: |